How far we have come from Friday ten days ago with snow on the deck and our inside happy hour to this past week’s outside at the Bistro table. A fifty-degree Fahrenheit shift, now back to more seasonal temperatures.
All grace, and tis grace that takes us far.
Far from where we used to be
Keith was born in Detroit and is a life-long Lions fan, so you can imagine how excited he’s been this football season. Unlike many years in the past, the Lions roared—their victories far outpacing losses—and travelled far into the playoffs. But last night they fell short. Next year, next year. Looking forward rather than back.
Unlike many sports franchises, the Lions’ recent success is based on a deep cultural shift. Instead of hiring the best-performing players based solely on their statistics and performances on the field, they pay close attention to the people who make up the team. In other words, they care about the players and staff and treat them as full-spectrum people with families and purposes. Grace. For us in our humanity, giving grace is often the exception rather than the rule, though it should be. Do to others as you would have them do to you—it’s hard to do.
Dangers are not far away
As I watched last night’s game, I was reminded of Scott Sauls’ book Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen, which I wrote about here, and John Newton. In the eighteenth century, Newton experienced many dangers, toils, and snares: ensnared by the Royal Navy, by the lucrative business of the slave trade, by a violent ocean storm. During the latter, Newton cried out to God for mercy. Eventually, he became an abolitionist, an ordained member of the Church of England, and hymn-writer, including “Amazing Grace.”
Like Newton, many football players and staff members have experienced or are experiencing adversity—dangers, toils, and snares. Some, though certainly not all, know that forgiveness and redemption are not far away, regardless of sins committed. Even though we don’t deserve His many blessings, God’s extraordinary grace changes our hearts. He brings us flawed humans to safety and leads us home.
Grace is far reaching
As with the “some” football players and staff, I rely on the Spirit to guide me, on the gifts I’ve been given, and on God’s grace and mercy. Grace reaches far and is available to anyone, Gentiles and Jews, all people and nations. Our teams might not win the Super Bowl, but God’s grace brings us something far, far better: the victory of eternity.
Amen. (And go Lions!)
Linkup with Five Minute Friday: https://fiveminutefriday.com/2024/01/25/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-far/
Did you see the film ‘Amazing Grace’, about the abolition of the slave trade and John Newton? His grace far outweighs anything we could offer. #27
Yes, a wonderful movie!
“Victory” really does belong under the “Grace” column. A humbling and good thought.
Thank you, Gary.