May the favor of God establish the work of our hands

by | Jan 27, 2025 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Faith, Writing and Reading | 5 comments |

“Would you do me a favor and pick up the mail when you pick up your chainsaw from the repair shop?” I asked Keith on Friday afternoon. 

“Sure,” he said as he stroked Mac’s big head.

Favor as an act of kindness

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly asking others for favors, for kindnesses—and looking for ways to return their kindness, that is, favoring others with my own favor. It’s similar to how Karen Stiller defines holiness in Holiness Here: Searching for God in the Ordinary Events of Everyday Life: “It’s about being and doing, taking love in and giving love out.”

Favor and holiness are found in humility: listening to others, having an accurate self-opinion, being grounded in spiritual modesty. 

Favor as approval

Favor is an action but also means approval for one’s actions. Like Mac dog, I seek approval, to earn recognition, especially for my good deeds. The problem is, I can never do enough. It’s as if my self-esteem is based almost entirely on what others think of me.

In my better moments, I know the only approval I need is God’s. God’s favor, divine blessing and protection, comes from having a close relationship with Him. The Hebrew word for favor, rāṣôn, means pleasure, delight, goodwill, and acceptance, as with Jesus in his youth: And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 NIV

Favor as grace

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17 NIV

To my thinking, the greatest meaning of favor is grace, the grace of God. Grace is the unmerited favor of God, favor meaning acceptance, goodwill, and preferential treatment. Old Testament scripture often uses the words favor and grace interchangeably.

We can’t earn favor, but we can ask for it, for grace.

“Here you go,” Keith said as he handed me a newspaper and assorted letters that he’d brought up with wood to make a fire in the Tulikivi. Mac dog sniffed, hoping for food. Late afternoon, suppertime!

I reached for the mail. “Thank you, my love. I’ll sort this then feed the dogs and get everything ready for our Friday Happy Hour.” 

Returning the favor with the work of my hands.

Linkup with Five Minute Friday:


  1. K.L. Hale

    Carole, I’ve missed you. Your words are always oozing in wisdom, grace, and goodness! Might I add that I love Mac! Keith’s smile and the love and favors (and grace) are such a wonderful thing to see, too. God bless you for reminding us of GOD’S FAVOR and GRACE!

    • Carole Duff

      Wonderful to hear from you, Karla, and thank you for your encouragement! -C.D.

      • K.L. Hale

        You’re welcome, C.D.! My blessing!

  2. aschmeisser

    I have learned to not much care
    what others think of me.
    It’s not Christian, right or fair,
    but it’s how things gotta be,
    for I’m a great big scary bloke
    with a rough and thuggish style,
    a nose that’s been many times broke
    over a true Jack Sparrow smile.
    Some say I have a gentle heart,
    and I do hope it’s so,
    and that my patience is an art,
    but really, I don’t know,
    for my image is where I can hide
    from a call to deadly pride.

    • Carole Duff

      Good to hear from you – and as always, thank you for your thought-provoking poem. -C.D.


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