Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 17:14
Heal our bodies
Saturday morning, after copying scripture from various reflections I read each day, I wrote my “ACTS:” Adoration & Praise, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication—asking for what I need. The list of prayer requests was long.
Lord, heal us, and we will be healed.
“Lord, please watch over our neighbors and friends.” Names and Needs. “Please watch over Keith and me, our children and granddaughter.” Names. “Please watch over the little ones, especially those entrusted to us.” Names. “Please guide them and keep them safe. In the name of your son Jesus. Amen.”
Then an afterthought: “Please help me recover from my cold so we can go to church tomorrow.”
Healing didn’t quite happen quite soon enough, so we watched online from home.

Heal our minds
Sunday dawned as beautiful as ever, perfect weather for the church service at Trinity, the Memorial Day remembrance in the cemetery, and the 250th church anniversary potluck. While watching the service, I remembered my father and Keith’s service, sacrifice, and legacy. I also remembered the slaughter of the innocents at an elementary school in Texas last week.
Lord, save us, and we will be saved.
On Memorial Day two years ago, I wrote about George Washington’s Farewell Address, his legacy. Though we also missed small group last week, our leader emailed the handout for Jesus’s High Priestly Prayer in John chapter 17—His farewell. Our assignment: journal about legacy, what you’ve been given, what you have now, what you will leave behind when you die. My lists for past givens and present haves were long. But what will I leave behind in the future?
Heal our hearts

This morning, as I watched the sunrise on another beautiful Memorial Day, I praised the Lord and thought about what God desires: That you do justice. That you love kindness. That you walk humbly in the presence of your God. Micah 6:8
Lord, you are the one we praise.
Sometimes I’m not just; sometimes I’m not kind; often I struggle with humility. And yet this is Jesus’s invitation: follow me, imitate me, journey with me toward this spiritual quest. Day by day, I practice to become a better version of myself—more just, kind, and humble—and encourage others to walk that path.
My legacy? To heal.
Link up with Five Minute Friday: https://fiveminutefriday.com/2022/05/26/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-heal/
Sanctification and healing is indeed a life-time journey of relationship, but He knows us and loves us as we are. Happy anniversary to your congregation and pray you are fully recovered soon.
Thank you for your comment, Dawn, and good wishes and prayers. -C.D.