
Our first morning on board the cruise ship in Istanbul, Keith and I rose early, took the elevator to the 7th deck and walked into the World Café. We passed the coffee and juice bar, then oohed and aahed at the assortment of fruits, cheeses, yogurts and fish, wondered...


“Faith is a choice like any other,” Mary Karr wrote in Lit, a memoir about alcoholism and redemption. More than anything, Lit is about making choices – the difficult ones. The title reflects a choice people make every day, and the consequences. Anyone...

It’s about time

Maybe I missed something. With all the political posturing surrounding Hilary Rosen’s comment about Ann Romney not working a day in her life, I haven’t heard a word about time. We all have 24 hours in a day for however long our lives last on earth. How do we choose to...

What if Dallas?

Last night, I had a “what if” dream. What if I had accepted that much-coveted job offer ten years ago? What if I had stayed in Dallas? What if I had ignored the Voices telling me that this was not home? Last night’s dream was a partial answer. There I was,...