Past Memorial Days and making memories in the present.
Past memories
On Memorial Day when I was growing up, we always drained the muddy water and scrubbed algae from the walls of the 45’x90’ spring-fed pool my father had built for the neighborhood the year before I was born. Everyone pitched in despite Connecticut’s rain and chill. We owe our time and labor to one another. If you swim, you clean, or as Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 3:10. “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
Present memories
Although Memorial Day is meant to honor our veterans, including Keith’s dad, families often use the holiday to gather and celebrate, as we are this year, celebrating my daughter’s and our granddaughter’s birthdays. It’s overcast today, and thunderstorms are predicted to roll in by mid-afternoon when our granddaughter’s party is due to begin. Rain or shine or any weather in between, we will make the next generation of memories.
Past memories
We are ever-so grateful to those who made it possible for us to freely love God and love our neighbors. To be faithful in prayer, in the Word, and in our actions. Young and fearless in the face of Depression and World War, my parents and Keith’s were members of Tom Brokaw’s Greatest Generation, and we are their baby boomer offspring. We their children honor them, as in the fifth commandment: “Honor your father and mother.” Respect and care for them.
And what does the LORD require of us? Faithfulness. “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Present memories
On Wife and Mom and Grandma kitchen and hospitality duty. My granddaughter and I are going to craft a pineapple to welcome guests. We work together so we can eat together. And celebrate birthdays and holidays with friends and neighbors.
Back with a regular post next week. -C.D.
Thank you to everyone in your family who sacrificed, C.D. I always appreciate your words and wisdom. Also, the truth you share in the verses! What a fun day you will have with family! Many blessings!
Thank you – and blessings to you, too!
You’re welcome, C.D. and thank you, too!