We’re taking a chance. The Perennial Gen has been quiet lately because we’re merging with the Wonder Years Gathering to become The Sage Forum. Our new tagline reflects the merge: “Growing in wisdom together through the Wonder Years.”
The mission of The Sage Forum is to equip, encourage, and empower women over 40 to mature in faith and grow in wisdom. Our monthly newsletter has information and inspiration designed to meet the needs of women in their Wonder Years. Click here to sign up for the newsletter.
The Sage Form offers online book clubs and seminars led by faith-filled subject matter experts. Our first book club will be led by Michelle Van Loon, author of many books, including Born to Wander: Recovering The Value of our Pilgrim Identity, Becoming Sage: Cultivating Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality in Midlife, and her most recent Translating Your Past: Finding Meaning in Family Ancestry, Genetic Clues, and Generational Trauma. To register for her FREE Zoom book discussion, go to: https://thesageforum.com. We also have plans for future small-scale regional gatherings.
Our team is available to offer support to those looking to create and sustain meaningful spiritual formation in church and community for women over 40 via coaching, programs, and a speaker’s bureau. Retreats, small groups focused on second-half-of-life spiritual formation, book clubs, Bible studies—we’re here to help.
Currently, there are five members of The Sage Forum team, three of whom I’ve written about previously: our fearless leader Michelle Van Loon, mentioned above, Afton Rorvik, author of two books on friendship, including Living Connected: An Introvert’s Guide to Friendship, and Dorothy Greco, author of Making Marriage Beautiful: Lifelong Love, Joy, and Intimacy Start with You, and Marriage in the Middle: Embracing Midlife Surprises, Challenges, and Joys. Rachel Campbell, our UK resident theologian, and myself are also active members of the team.

Won’t you take a chance and join us?
Link Up with Five Minute Friday: https://fiveminutefriday.com/2022/07/21/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-chance/
I hope your new endeavor is all you hoped it will be!
Thank you! We hope to serve well. -C.D.
All the best as you step and – and take that chance! I am inspired – and rather impressed – I must say!!
Ah, thank you, Jennifer! I am blessed to serve with amazing women of faith.
Wisdom sounds, well, really wise,
but it’s not for me,
as you’ll see with your own eyes
when I’m swinging from a tree
from a frayed old ragged rope
whose great age none can tell,
higher still with crazy hope
and a Tarzan yell,
and SNAP! comes the expected thing,
the break that sets me loose
to fly if I but had a wing,
but I land on my caboose,
and smiling broadly through the pain,
I say, “Hey, let’s do that again!”
Sounds like a wonderful endeavor! I wish you all the best!
Visiting from FMF#27
Thank you, my FMF friend!