
Completing a months-long project, meeting a difficult goal, walking out of a final exam, filing a major brief, an institution-wide evaluation or a huge end-of-the-year report, and you feel elated, yahoo, relieved, whew, right? Not me, unless you include tired,...

It’s about time

Maybe I missed something. With all the political posturing surrounding Hilary Rosen’s comment about Ann Romney not working a day in her life, I haven’t heard a word about time. We all have 24 hours in a day for however long our lives last on earth. How do we choose to...

Rocks, Gravel, Sand and Water

Years ago, I received a forwarded email about a time-management story – did you get that one, too? Speaking to business students, the time-management expert used an illustration. He put fist-sized rocks in a large-mouth mason jar, and then, asking if it was full...

Phasmids and Oak Trees

In advance of winter, Vanaprastha teams with reproductive activity, from oak trees peppering the ground with acorns to unseen frogs calling availability in chorus from the treetops, a little Leisure-Suit Larry romancing the large female orb-weaver at our back door to...