Decisions, Decisions

It was mid-January here at Vanaprastha when I watched the video. The temperature was moderate for a winter day. But the extended forecast called for snow, and comfort food was on my mind. “Hi, I’m Nica Waters, and welcome to Tasty Thursday.” That day, Nica showed her...


Our first morning on board the cruise ship in Istanbul, Keith and I rose early, took the elevator to the 7th deck and walked into the World Café. We passed the coffee and juice bar, then oohed and aahed at the assortment of fruits, cheeses, yogurts and fish, wondered...

Green Tomatoes

Psalm 104:14 You cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants for people to use, to bring forth food from the earth… ### Old Testament Wife dutifully gathers food from the earth including 30 green tomatoes – large, medium and small – lined up six by five...