The occupational therapist handed me the instruction sheet and said, “Limit splint removal to hygiene and flute.” Limit, to restrict, the point beyond which something does not or may not extend, a restriction.
Not words I like to hear or heed. But this time, it was necessary.
For healing, limit certain activities
Remember my post two weeks ago?
“Enough already with this aging stuff!” I muttered. It was late Friday night, and I was standing in our walk-in closet, taking off my socks before going to bed. But I lost my balance, catching myself from falling at the expense of my right wrist. “I’m no longer quick in my feet,” I sighed to Keith.
“From now on, sit down when you’re putting on or taking off your socks,” he advised.
I wiggled the fingers of both hands as if playing my flute. Nothing broken. Okay to play for Resurrection Sunday, the capstone of Holy Week.
Ten days later, with some swelling and bruising still evident, I contacted the Hand Clinic in Charlottesville. The x-ray clearly showed a distal radial fracture. Clean and healing well, no need for surgery or a cast, only a splint to protect the wrist.
And limit certain activities.
The limit of the Law curbs us
Here’s a message our pastor often says. “The Law is a curb, a mirror, and a guide. The curb tells us what to do and what not to do; the mirror allows us see our transgressions and repent; the guide helps us to walk in the light.”
The instruction sheet is my curb and guide as far as what I can do and what not to do with my right hand for the next several weeks. And my wrist is my mirror – ouch! when I overdo.
But I’m strongly right-handed and a “take it to the limit, one more time” kind of gal. So, what now?
Show me a sign, I prayed.

My limit is a mere trifle to God
This past weekend, I attended the HopeWords 2024 Conference virtually. On Saturday afternoon, I tuned in to hear author and Bible teacher Hannah Anderson speak. Write out of scarcity, she said, out of necessity, out of not enough. “Scarcity and circumstances are a mere trifle to a God who made everything from nothing.”
I thought about her encouragement and our pastor’s further clarification about curbs, mirrors, and guides: the Old Testament Law’s “I have to” versus the New Testament’s “I get to.”
I have to do some things, clumsily and with Keith’s help—tend the house, yard, dogs, meals, laundry—and get to do so many other things: write, read, practice. My current circumstances are a mere trifle.
So, I’ll take it to the limit with curbs in place. And though my activities might feel like scarcity compared to what I could do before, they will be enough.
Linkup with Five Minute Friday: https://fiveminutefriday.com/2024/04/11/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-limit/
You had me at The Eagles, Carol lol. Great way to get this Boomer’s attention. Love that 70’s music. Feel better soon, girl.
Glad you enjoyed and thanks so much for your good wishes! -C.D.
Heal quickly! Looking forward to hearing you share what you learn during this time as the Lord uses every trifle in our lives. Hug.
Thank you, Linda, my wrist is gaining strength, and I’m weaning myself off the splint. What did I learn? Humility – always good lessons – and a reassessment of what really needs to be done, what’s important.