Last week, while Daughter and I raked and blew leaves from the ditch along the road at the foot of our property—as our sons had last spring—I thought about lessons learned this Christmas. Lessons about sticks. Lessons about work. Lessons about best-laid plans. Lessons from our granddaughter who, along with her mother, we hadn’t seen in two years.

Lesson #1: Sticks can be useful.
Sticks in ditches are log-jams for leaves and other debris. But if you’re four years old, or Cato puppy, sticks are useful. Good to carry along a trail or to play tug with Cato or to poke at things in a stream or to dig up special rocks to view in “bug-noculars” that Grandpa gave Granddaughter for Christmas.
Lesson #2: Work can be messy.
While Grandpa taught Granddaughter how to make pie crust for pumpkin pie, I thought about another lesson: work can be messy. Leaf-blowing certainly is. And pie crust-making. Flour seems to go everyway. On the counter, on the floor, on clothes. And it’s all good.

Lesson #3: Plans can be changed.
While Grandpa and Granddaughter made pie, I mowed the meadow—until one of the weed-whacker strings broke. Change of plan: I’ll mow next week after we re-string the whacker and I recoup a little energy.
That was a small change, but we experienced a bigger one this Christmas. In order to see A Christmas Carol at the American Shakespeare Center, Granddaughter needed a negative COVID test. We three adults were fully vaccinated, but Granddaughter isn’t quite old enough. So, Daughter scheduled a test, an appointment we kept with the promise of results in two to three days, in time for the show. But no test results arrived, and there were no rapid test kits available anywhere in our area.

I contacted the box office, and they kindly processed an exchange; we’ll be able to use our four tickets another time. And instead of the show, Mother, Daughter and Granddaughter walked the Blue Ridge Tunnel with many others enjoying fellowship time with family and friends.
This morning, Keith and I said goodbye to Daughter and Granddaughter. Not goodbye, Granddaughter said but see you soon. Another take-away from the Christmas of 2021.
Lesson #4: We are blessed.
In faith, family, and fellowship.