Pruning Falls

“Behold, I am making all things new.” -Revelation 21:5   Pulling out of the garage into Thursday morning’s rain, I noticed ice on the meadow grass and took this picture. Time to cut the meadow back before winter so it will reseed in spring, I said to...


At dawn this morning, before the heat of the day, I headed into the meadow in front of our house here at Vanaprastha. I wrote about the challenges of this meadow and ‘native plants’ in a post last spring. Ten days ago, the landscapers completed the installation. Now...

Go with the Flow

My husband is a contrarian. That is, he doesn’t bow to peer pressure or “go with the flow,” at least not by definition. He’s unlikely to “do what other people are doing or agree with other people’s opinions because it is the easiest thing to do.” In that regard, he...