Aunt Louise

Late afternoon on Christmas Eve, some years ago, my mother looked out the front window of her New England home into fading light and snow. “Maybe your Aunt Louise’s package won’t make it this year,” she said. No, we assured our mother and grandmother, the package will...

Snores and Etudes

Shortly after we go to bed, I hear his soft breathing and hope that’s how he’ll slumber throughout the night. Keith falls asleep almost as soon as his head hits the pillow, while I’m still searching for a comfortable sleeping position. Alas, tonight soft breathing...

Summer Ends, Fall Begins

What’s on today’s menu? Barbecued ham, whipped potatoes, and veggies—a picnic on the dining deck later this afternoon. I remember neighborhood picnics on the 4th of July and Labor Day, the official opening and closing of summer in Connecticut. Very few braved a cold...