Making Home

“Housekeeping is home’s daily chores of faith, hope, and love. It doesn’t hold out for what might never be. Instead, it wrings good from what is.”  -Jen Pollock Michel   I reach for a book, wipe dust off the top, pile it on the previous one, and reach for...

Making Lists

This morning, the sun out competed the clouds and burned off pockets of fog. A cool breeze rustled the lush vegetation surrounding our house. I checked our rain gauge. Three inches. Good day to pull weeds, I thought, scrub floors, wash the dogs, do laundry, and walk...

New Paths

The landscape crew arrived a week ago to carve a path up the ridge to the flat rock-outcropping. For three days, dodging rain and chill, they cut and shored up a zig-zag trail. They had created many paths before, including steps, terraces, and walkways on our...