Aunt Louise

Late afternoon on Christmas Eve, some years ago, my mother looked out the front window of her New England home into fading light and snow. “Maybe your Aunt Louise’s package won’t make it this year,” she said. No, we assured our mother and grandmother, the package will...

Pruning Falls

“Behold, I am making all things new.” -Revelation 21:5   Pulling out of the garage into Thursday morning’s rain, I noticed ice on the meadow grass and took this picture. Time to cut the meadow back before winter so it will reseed in spring, I said to...

Living a parable then a metaphor

I parked the car behind our truck at the foot of our driveway and turned the car wheels uphill in case the parking brake gave way. Landscapers were taking the other half of the oak tree down the next morning, blocking the driveway for a day or two, and we needed to be...