It’s about time

Maybe I missed something. With all the political posturing surrounding Hilary Rosen’s comment about Ann Romney not working a day in her life, I haven’t heard a word about time. We all have 24 hours in a day for however long our lives last on earth. How do we choose to...

New Year’s Resolutions

Last week, I wrote about my son at age 10, the beginning of the double digits. This week, I begin the New Year with a story about my daughter when she was 10 years old. As recorded in a letter to my parents, here is what she wrote on her marker board on January 2,...

Christmas Gifts, Then and Now

Wednesday, November 10, 1993 Dear Mother and Daddy, It is another cool, grey day with a promise of sun – typical late fall in Dallas. Thank you so much for the 12 days of Christmas glasses. They are so pretty and will help us remember the lyrics. After 8 Maids ‘a...

Thanksgiving and Humility

Thanksgiving celebrates harvest time during the fall in nature’s calendar, but for me the holiday changed according to the seasons of life. In the “springtime” of youth, I set the table, helped in the kitchen and babysat younger cousins during dinner. When the...

The Three Graces

Three maple trees graced the front lawn of our childhood home. Like the three sisters who grew up there, each displayed a unique personality. The smallest tree, a sugar maple, was closest to the house and vibrantly colorful. My older sister Jane, a petite redhead,...

Snow for Halloween and Nor’easters

As an adolescent growing up in New England, I remember worrying about the possibility of snow for Halloween. How would we trick-or-treat in our rural neighborhood and hang out with the Snyder boys who just moved into the house on Meadowbrook? How would I earn two...