Through many dangers, toils, and snares
Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come. This grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. Many dangers My name is Wally. I’m a Subaru Forester Wilderness that Keith and Carole purchased in early December. Maybe you remember...
Access granted, access denied, access granted
When a person or pet dies or we no longer have access to their physical presence, their stories remain in our memories. The prompt “access” brought back memories from four years ago and from last year. Access granted “Good girl, Freya, good girl,” I said as she...
Advice about what to ignore: two don’ts and one do
Last week’s Five-Minute Friday prompt was IGNORE, which brought to mind two “don’ts” and one “do." You know, like Glamour magazine’s fashion advice to help women “prevent wardrobe catastrophes…” These three pieces of advice are down to earth and not of this world....
Fake—not genuine, counterfeit, forged
Fake as a Faux Fur Throw The label clearly stated the fake: Faux Fur Throw, a gift that Keith and I received for Christmas. The throw made no apologies for being man-made, synthetic, and artificial, pseudo, simulated, a mock blanket. Not genuine. And one of the...
Three then two and now only one
“She makes snow angels,” Keith said to the vet and her assistant as he fed liver treats one after another to our Freya dog. "We call her our Iditarod dog because of her love of snow." Keith spoke about her amazing intelligence—she understood almost everything we...
To receive is less blessed and not easy to do
One of the benefits of responding to writing prompts is the opportunity to explore a topic you might not necessarily engage with otherwise but one that provides insight, in this case, to receive. As Paul bid farewell to the Ephesians, he said, “Now I commit you to...