by Carole Duff | Sep 25, 2023 | Faith, Writing and Reading |
Here’s a blast from the past story about my personal opinion versus his professional opinion, both generation opinion biased. My boomer generation opinion It was 1991, and I was carpooling two bunheads to after-school ballet class. “Hey Jessica, did the self-esteem...
by Carole Duff | Aug 28, 2023 | Faith, Family, Writing and Reading |
Nothing can replace the joy of having family here to celebrate my not-to-terribly-strange-to-be-seventy birthday plus two. Loved ones help us mark significant milestones and remind us of hard-won lessons. Becoming old does not replace who we were before As Andrea...
by Carole Duff | Aug 21, 2023 | Writing and Reading |
The moment had finally arrived. On Friday, Keith’s first novel The Starflower released to the public. A moment, an instant, that took ten years’ time. A moment in time We hadn’t received Keith’s copies of the paperback, so I pre-ordered the e-book. When I signed onto...
by Carole Duff | Aug 14, 2023 | Faith, Nature, Writing and Reading |
As a verb, leave can mean either go away from or allow to remain. Opposites? Maybe, or both. To leave, go away from home The picture above is of me and my parents on my wedding day in 1975. I was both happy and sad, because that day I would leave home, my parents,...
by Carole Duff | Aug 7, 2023 | Faith, Nature, Writing and Reading |
Today, Keith and I watch the skies with caution, waiting for possible severe weather due about mid-afternoon. “Watch” can be a noun, too, as in the act of observing or keeping watch. I am checking my watch, also a noun, to keep track of time, so I don’t miss my chance...
by Carole Duff | Jul 31, 2023 | Faith, Writing and Reading |
BIG milestones In Your Story Matters, Leslie Leyland Fields gives this advice to a beginning memoirist: “Make a time line for every five to ten years of your life (depending on how old you are), marking important events: places you’ve lived, jobs you’ve held, major...