by Carole Duff | Aug 10, 2020 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Local or Human Interest, Nature |
Cato puppy huddled in a tight ball on the floor of the front seat. Drool flowed from the sides of his mouth like two leaky faucets. He cried out in pain and began to shake. Was he going into shock? Would he die before I could get him to help? “Good boy, Cato, good...
by Carole Duff | Jul 27, 2020 | Nature, Writing and Reading |
It’s a clear, warm morning, and I’m out pulling weeds as usual. This week’s note from Vanaprastha: another guest blog of mine that went live today on the Brevity Blog site. Many thanks to Brevity editor Dinty W. Moore for publishing my piece, “Pulling Weeds and...
by Carole Duff | Jun 22, 2020 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Faith, Family, Local or Human Interest, Nature |
One afternoon last week, Cato puppy and I headed to the mailbox. Freya dog loves to run in the woods but doesn’t enjoy walking on the road—perhaps the gravel hurts her paw pads. And these days, Heathcliff dog is too old and arthritic to make the trip. So, it was just...
by Carole Duff | Jun 8, 2020 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Faith, Writing and Reading |
Last Friday, a guest post of mine—a review of Leslie Leyland Fields’ Your Story Matters: Finding, Writing, and Living the Truth of Your Life—was posted on Brevity blog. A Review of Leslie Leyland Fields’ Your Story Matters When submitting the piece in early May,...
by Carole Duff | Jun 1, 2020 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Faith, Family, Local or Human Interest |
I was not my best self this past weekend. On Friday night, for some reason I chose to pick a fight with Keith over some petty, perceived slight. When Saturday dawned, I couldn’t see or feel any of the day’s beauty, only sorrow, though I’m not sure why. Maybe I...
by Carole Duff | May 18, 2020 | Dogs & Other Creatures, Faith, Nature |
The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19 (NIV) Cato and I noticed the rustle of grass while walking the turn-around early one morning last week. I spotted a small...