Opportunities for respite, relief, short periods of rest
Respite, that’s what I needed this morning, as I looked at the gooey mess on the basement floor and muttered, “Give me a break.” Relief, a short period of rest before I tackled my to-do list. So, after cleaning up the molasses and glass from the jar that had rolled...
Spoil fun, spoil children, spoil of war—is spoil always negative?
Because Keith and I dislike wasting food, because of spoil, we often begin our week on Sunday by grocery shopping together after church. Here’s yesterday’s haul. Keith enjoys shopping because it’s a way for him to exercise his curiosity. Though not an avid shopper...
Consume: to eat, drink, buy, buy, buy, and use it up
Keith and I invited our neighbor to watch the Super Bowl with us last night and to consume the sheet pan nachos I made: tortilla chips, seasoned ground beef with onions, pinto beans, and cheese baked then topped with minced red onion, pickled jalapeno slices, diced...
We all waste something, but was this a waste of time?
It might have seemed like a waste for me to be sitting at the sales table during our local community’s First-Saturday-of-the-month Winter Market on Saturday morning. After all, it only takes one to make a sale, and The Starflower is Keith's book, not mine. I could...
Grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home
How far we have come from Friday ten days ago with snow on the deck and our inside happy hour to this past week’s outside at the Bistro table. A fifty-degree Fahrenheit shift, now back to more seasonal temperatures. All grace, and tis grace that takes us far. Far...
The both-and of what we say, mean, need or want to say
“…many times you’ve heard someone say, particularly after a disappointment or a sudden tragedy or in the middle of a midlife crisis, ‘That’s not what was supposed to happen.’” Jennifer L. Holberg, Nourishing Narratives: The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith It...